Student Gun Range Reflection: Getting a Better Grasp of an Unknown Aspect of Gun Culture

As I discussed previously, my Sociology of Guns seminar’s field trip to the gun range is always a highlight of the course. This year was no exception. The field trip has two components: A mandatory classroom introduction to firearms/safety and a voluntary opportunity to shoot guns on the range. In recent iterations of the course,Continue reading “Student Gun Range Reflection: Getting a Better Grasp of an Unknown Aspect of Gun Culture”

2019 Sociology of Guns Seminar Gun Store and Range Field Trip

My Sociology of Guns seminar’s annual field trip to the gun range is such a highlight that I sometimes wonder if I should do it at the end of class rather than the beginning. The class really is all down hill after visiting the range. This semester my 15 students and I once again madeContinue reading “2019 Sociology of Guns Seminar Gun Store and Range Field Trip”

Sociology of Guns Seminar Field Trip to the Gun Range

One of the best places to satisfy gun curiosity is at the gun range. So the highlight of my Sociology of Guns seminar at Wake Forest University each year is a field trip we take to a local range. There students get a first exposure to what guns are, how they work, and what itContinue reading “Sociology of Guns Seminar Field Trip to the Gun Range”

Teaching the Sociology of Guns to the Gun Curious

One place I often meet gun curious people is in the Sociology of Guns seminar I teach at Wake Forest University. As I have for the past four academic years, I am currently teaching the seminar this semester. A PDF of the current syllabus is available, as are my dozens of posts on previous year’sContinue reading “Teaching the Sociology of Guns to the Gun Curious”

Who Are The Gun Curious?

The U.S. population breaks down roughly in thirds – Current Gun Owners: 27 to 33% Not Currently But Possible Gun Owners: 33 to 39% Not Now and Not Ever Gun Owners: 30 to 36% Americans are politically divided by the issue of guns. But as with other “culture wars,” the fighting is often undertaken byContinue reading “Who Are The Gun Curious?”