Pardon The Mess on Gun Curious Dot Com

I am in the process of reformatting from being a blog site to being the main site for my book, Gun Curious: A Liberal Professor’s Surprising Journey Inside America’s Gun Culture (forthcoming in May 2024). Because I cannot afford the several hundred dollars annually for WordPress’ Creator plan to have a staging site, IContinue reading “Pardon The Mess on Gun Curious Dot Com”

Despite strong gun sales, NRA membership apparently shrank in 2020

Originally posted on Trent Steidley:
2020 was a gangbusters year for gun sales with a likely 20 million total gun sales. And the gun industry has been willing to say this is a strong sign of future support for gun rights going forward. An August press release from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) even…

Bloomberg SPH vs. Breitbart: Battle of “Alternative Facts”?

Originally posted on Gun Culture 2.0:
Imagine my surprise this morning when I saw an incredible claim circulating that researchers from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health had conducted a study of fatal mass shootings in the United States but had “omitted one of the most often cited mass shootings in U.S. history.”…