Bringing Light Over Heat to the EDC Podcast (Light Over Heat #70)

The deadline for completing my Gun Curious book manuscript is hanging over my head like a guillotine. With decreasing confidence, I am hoping to finish the job before it drops. Because I didn’t have time to record new content this week, I was going to edit down some of the “highlights” from a 45-minute-long conversation I hadContinue reading “Bringing Light Over Heat to the EDC Podcast (Light Over Heat #70)”

Talking About Guns Across the Political Spectrum

Can we use the social media echo chamber to escape the echo chambers we all live in? I try to do this by maintaining an ideologically diverse set of friends and followers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I am also fortunate to be asked to speak about guns by groups and media outlets across theContinue reading “Talking About Guns Across the Political Spectrum”

Gun Curious Podcaster Update

I recently received an update from the gun curious podcaster I spoke with earlier this year. He has now taken a 4-hour basic handgun course (with live fire) and plans to take additional courses then apply for his New Jersey firearm license. His is an increasingly common story. As before, I encourage you to checkContinue reading “Gun Curious Podcaster Update”

Chatting with a Gun Curious Podcaster

The animating idea of this blog is to speak (primarily) to those who are neither totally bought into the idea of guns nor totally opposed to it. That is, to the gun curious. I recently had the opportunity to chat with just such a person. Mark McNease is a politically liberal gay man living inContinue reading “Chatting with a Gun Curious Podcaster”

Talking Gun Conversion with The Reverend Hunter

In October 2021, I traveled from North Carolina to Vermont to attend and present at the Outdoor Writers Association of America’s (OWAA) annual conference. After flying into Burlington, I had a 90-minute long shuttle bus ride to the Jay Peak Resort, near the Canadian border. On the ride, I listened to and participated in someContinue reading “Talking Gun Conversion with The Reverend Hunter”

Increase Your Signal-to-Noise Ratio with Stephen Gutowski’s The Reload Podcast

In his excellent book, The Gun Gap, political scientist Mark Joslyn highlights the ways in which gun owners and non-owners live in very different social worlds. For example, non-owners are much more likely than owners to say none of their friends own guns. Consequently, much of what non-owners know about what gun owners do andContinue reading “Increase Your Signal-to-Noise Ratio with Stephen Gutowski’s The Reload Podcast”

“Live” Tweeting the Gangster Capitalism Podcast on the NRA

Following is a long Twitter thread I wrote while listening/reacting to a podcast series called Gangster Capitalism which focused this season on the current crisis of the National Rifle Association (NRA). I went into it skeptically, since the NRA is often misunderstood and hatred toward it takes general biases toward guns in the media andContinue reading ““Live” Tweeting the Gangster Capitalism Podcast on the NRA”

Thoughts on Bridging the American Gun Divide

The finale episode of Season 3 of the American Diagnosis podcast with Dr. Celine Gounder has recently been released. The season focused on gun violence and the concluding episode considers the question: “Where Do We Go From Here?” Over a year ago, I spoke about Gun Culture 2.0 on Episode 4 of Season 3 ofContinue reading “Thoughts on Bridging the American Gun Divide”