Quick Take on the New “Gun Machine” Podcast from The Trace (Light Over Heat #68)

I wasn’t going to record a “Light Over Heat” video for this week because I am over my head trying to finish the Gun Curious book I spoke about in last week’s video. But my morning email from The Trace let me know that a new podcast just launched from their reporter Alain Stephens. IContinue reading “Quick Take on the New “Gun Machine” Podcast from The Trace (Light Over Heat #68)”

Societal Uncertainty + Social Unrest = Gun Sales

The fact that gun sales have been off the charts in 2020 is not news, but some were still surprised at the July sales numbers. The newsadvocacy organization The Trace has created an interesting data visualization drawing on NICS data as a proxy for gun sales. I don’t have any commentary to add beyond thingsContinue reading “Societal Uncertainty + Social Unrest = Gun Sales”