Thoughts on Vail Symposium’s Conversation on the Controversial Issue of Gun Violence (Light Over Heat #57)

This week’s “Light Over Heat” video offers my thoughts on the Vail Symposium Conversation on Controversial Issues I attended last week in Colorado. The topic of the conversation was gun violence and it was hosted by Clay Jenkinson, with Josh Horwitz from Johns Hopkins and myself as the panel. The event was recorded and IContinue reading “Thoughts on Vail Symposium’s Conversation on the Controversial Issue of Gun Violence (Light Over Heat #57)”

The Road Ahead – 2023

I’ve had some personal and professional setbacks so far in 2023, but I’ve also had some amazing opportunities to bring light to culture war over guns in America. I’m grateful for that. In this post, I want to share some of what I have planned for the rest of 2023 for anyone interested. Light OverContinue reading “The Road Ahead – 2023”